Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Free and Low Cost Photography and Business Training Resources

I am always someone who wants to learn new things—especially in the art of photography. Today, there is so much available on the internet. In this post I am going to write about four resources that will hopefully help catapult you to mastering a new skill. 

YouTube is free and you can find anything.  I love YouTube! Not only is this a free resource, but it also leads me to other tutorials when I can’t find exactly what I need. If you have never been on this website, YouTube is a site where people can upload their videos of just about anything. I have found countless snippets of tutorials posted by photographers explaining various processes related to photography. You can also get behind-the-scenes footage of photo shoots—which is really helpful if you are a beginner or someone who just wants to improve their camera skills. If you find a photog that you like, you can sign up for a free subscription to their uploads. When you do this, you will receive an e-mail notification every time that person makes an entry on the site.   

Adorama is not just a site for product purchases. Adorama is not only a great business to purchase photography equipment from but also is a good resource for low cost and free training. There are several ways to access tutorials through Adorama’s site. The first is to take one of their live workshops. Most of them focus on photography and business and cost around $25.  If you don’t want to pay for training, you can watch videos from their AdoramaTV series. These videos are free and focus on photography related content.  Last, their Learning Center serves as an online collection of articles and blog posts that provide tutorial information. URL:

CreativeLIVE is an online training resource specializing in workshops. I absolutely love this website! CreativeLIVE offers workshops that are taught by professional photographers and graphic artists and are fully interactive with classroom and online students. These workshops are usually 3 days in length and are free if you watch them live. If you choose to download the content the initial price is $99. If you purchase the download after the workshop ends the price usually jumps to $149. URL:

Professional photographers offer training DVDs too! If you admire a particular photog’s work check their website for a blog or DVD offering. Most photographers have a blog linked to their site where they showcase their work and other things. You might be able to access free tips there.  Also, some actually sell training DVDs that focus on the photography business. Two worth checking out are Me Ra Koh and Zach and Jody Gray.  These photographers offer excellent DVDs that outline basic business principles and cover technical photographic information. URL:  URL:


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